BAH...da volumul mai tare!

Imagineaza-ti ca esti intr-un univers paralel.De acolo, cuvintele au cu totul alt sens.Lasa-ti imaginatia sa-ti joace feste.Fiecare parte din prezent provine din trecut si se reflecta spre viitor.

Stuff...from my mind...

sâmbătă, 3 ianuarie 2009

Like i'm fallin'

Do you realize that sometimes i can't be just happy and that i need something or someone to make me laugh or sing or dance or just to make me feel good?

I can't imagine my life without happyness and I refuse to believe that all i want to have can loose in just a sec.What would you do to bring a smile to someone's face? Did you ever think about?

Today I'm not in that good mood that everybody knows.I had a little bit sadness but I don't know exactly why.Maybe is the winter without snow or the cold or the sun that is missing or just someone who cares how i feel.

You readder...Do you feel the same? Did you thought that is nobody who cares about you? I guess you did...and,before you know, your smile will disappear.But it's just for a moment.

We like that sad parts to last just for a second but why the happyness last a moment too.It's not fair.'s because of missing love?

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