BAH...da volumul mai tare!

Imagineaza-ti ca esti intr-un univers paralel.De acolo, cuvintele au cu totul alt sens.Lasa-ti imaginatia sa-ti joace feste.Fiecare parte din prezent provine din trecut si se reflecta spre viitor.

Stuff...from my mind...

duminică, 8 august 2010

I screwed up....

big time....this time.I disappointed the most important person for me at this moment. I feel guily and something like pain in my chest. I don't want this to be over, I just want to fix that up if this person would let me or to a short time he will call and will say that this mad on me passed out. It's hard when not everything depends on you and I don't know how long this will take. Hope he will realize soon how much i'm sorry.

2 comentarii:

Mihai spunea...

frumos blog..te astept si pe la mine ...poate mentinem comunicare.Succes in continuare!

alin spunea...

i screwed it up too today, big time, i wanna sleep maybe it will pass